I keep in mind those days and found that a tiny preparation gave us all hours of travel pleasure by automobile or plane. A week before the trip, I would tell my kids that I was once putting together a surprise travel bag for them for our holiday. The number of items would be based on their every day behavior. Yes, bribery works. Depending on the length of the trip, the child could open one gift an hour or three gifts each day. The anticipation your kids will have in unwrapping a surprise is way more valuable than the tiny cost with this 2 Din Car DVD Player; and the peace and quiet is priceless.
Food items in baggies or tiny containers such as life savers, juice boxes, fruit gummy bears, pop-corn, Cheerios, raisins or dried fruit, bottled water, or any tiny item appropriate for your child to eat. Tiny Games including tick tack toe, checkers, card games, puzzles, mazes, coloring books and crayons, etc. Books and Cds from the library can keep your child entertained for a lovely length of time as they listen and flip through the pages of their tales. For kids who are familiar with Disney-type movies, I audio-taped the actual film and both of my kids listened to the film on a shared tape recorder with three earphones. DVDs from the library from the Discovery channel, or schooling tales are also great in the event you have a DVD player in your automobile, or the kids can share a Car DVD player.

Travel Games such as counting the number of cattle ranches you pass, or the number of orange vehicles you see (in the work of a set distance), and "eye spy with my tiny eye" also keeps them busy। Singing relatives favorites such as "The Wheels on the Bus", or other choice songs that everybody can sing as rounds or can learn. Some of my favs were from my father's childhood like "Mares-ea-doats", "Three Tiny Fishies in an Itty-Bitty Pool", "Farmer in the Dell". Or you can get CDs of some great relatives or kid's songs from the library.
double din car dvd.Kids are happy and they are very quiet to enjoy the film and the baby music.Paper and New Felts provide an imagination of wonderful opportunities for all ages. Finally, I'd pack a tiny pillow, blanket, and their favourite blankie or teddy for nap time. These travel bags work wonders for all kids ages 2 to 12. Happy journal.