When I shake me so long "neighbors" of the people, and they travel kelowna three boys (three, four years), I saw the shear terrorist in their eyes. "How they managed to travel for several hours, instead of three small children go crazy?"Can not image that.Why not choose a Double Din Car DVD Player?
These days I remembered, I found a small for all of our time travel by car or aircraft of the fun. A week later, travel, I will tell my children, I have a surprise for travel together, they go on vacation. The number of individuals based on their daily behaviors. Yes, bribes. According to the length of the trip, children can open a gift or a hour every day of the three gift.Select a Double Din Car DVD player for your kids, Looking forward to your child would have a surprising thing is more valuable unwrapping the small cost, But peace and tranquility is priceless.
In the bag and food containers, such as life pillar, juice box, fruit, pop corn - Cheerios bear, or dried fruit, instant noodles, raisins, or any tiny bottled water project for your child to eat. Small game checkers, strategy, including the hook card games, puzzles, maze, coloring books and crayon, etc. Borrowed from the library's books and CDS can let your child, because a lovely length of time, because they hear the story, browsing the web. As the children are familiar with, I gather disney-type film, my two kids listen to the film in sharing recorder three headphones. From the library of Car DVD Player from the discovery channel or education story also big events, you have a DVD in your car, or the children can share a DVD player.
Travel games, such as counting the number of cattle ranch, or your vehicle in the orange in the distance, you see ") and the small eye with my secret, "let them also busy. Collect, such as "singing in the bus," relatives or other choices that everyone can sing a song or can learn. Some of my favs from my fernando alonso.